Something To Chew On XXXII

For a number of years my wife and I have enjoyed feeding

hummingbirds. We usually hang one feeder right outside of our dining room

window and the other feeder we hang near the edge of our deck. It always

seems that in August the hummers become more active.

We have enjoyed the antics of the hummers over the last week or so.

To the best of our knowledge we have been able to count a least eight

hummers. Two are ruby throats and the rest are females and or their


I share this because I believe that there are some significant images

regarding church relationships. You see, the feeder outside of our dining

room window has at least six feeding ports which means it would be possible

for at least six hummers to all sip nectar at the same time. Sadly, we have

only seen two hummers who are willing to tolerate each other long enough to

feed together. One hummer lands nearby to watch for others to come.

In our community life as His church, do we openly support one another

giving others a chance to serve or are we like one of these hummingbirds

ready to challenge and limit what God seeks for us to be? Let us always

remember that we have been called into the body of Christ and that we have

been called to be one.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)