Something to Chew On, XXXV


This is a Test!!!

This is a test! No, it is not a test of the emergency broadcast system. This is

a test for all of you as members of First Christian Church. When your pastor is

incapacitated as I am, are you willing to fill in with pastoral roles? Are you willing

to make the effort to be in contact with our special needs members or even to offer

to visit them?

This test question becomes even more critical as the search for a settled

pastor has begun. How will you step up to lend him or her a helping hand?

I am grateful because I have already been made aware of the many ways

some of you have shared your talents and gifts of caring and compassion.

One of the things that I have been made quite aware of were the ways in

which your former pastor took on far more responsibility than she should have.

She allowed it to happen. You allowed it to happen.

In order for all of us to have a thriving, vital church that is committed to

serving our Lord and Savior, we need to be continually asking ourselves, what are

the ways that I can be the hands and feet and spirit of our Lord and Savior? The

answer to this question will certainly make a difference once you have discerned

and called your next settled pastor.

You have what it takes because you are his blessed children.

Again, thank you for all that are doing in Christ’s name and for his church.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)