Something to Chew on, XXXVIII


Over the next month or so I will be opening my articles with insights from my good friend and church consultant, George Bullard. I will be adding some comments to what George has written in his book, Faith Soaring Churches.

“Congregations seeking to transform do not believe that Sunday mornings are only about them and their worship of God. They realize Sunday mornings are also about the people in their context. Many congregations are appropriately focused on Sunday morning on having a high quality worship, learning, and fellowship experience in their congregation. Congregations seeking to transform are aware of what is happening with people passing in front of their church who do not truly think about going to church, but have rather about taking a break to refresh themselves physically”

I call the above insight thinking outside of the box when you consider that the box represents First Christian Church. Yes, we are important and our worship of God is just as important. Yet, there is so much more.

Read the second paragraph of the above insight. Where are people in their faith journey as they pass First Christian or engage in other activities on Sunday mornings. Perhaps, there are people at the gym or people taking a walk or people jogging or people doing yard work. Do we pass them on the way to church and say to ourselves, ‘These people ought to be in church.’Perhaps, we need to simply allow people to be where they are and involved in whatever activity that may bring to them refreshment and renewal.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)