Something to Chew On, XXXXVII

May all of you at First Christian have a most blessed and prosperous New Year!

Those of you who were in worship with us on Sunday heard me following my coughing fit that we as individuals and as a congregation need to start with a clean slate. I will return to that thought as I conclude this article. Thinking about this New Year, I share with you an Italian tradition that is still observed in some parts of the country. On New Year’s Eve, people will gather up those things that they no longer need and will throw them out of the second story windows. Apparently, if you are willing to take the risk and walk the streets, you need to keep your eyes peeled. For from these windows may come unused clothes, pots and pans, and even an appliance or two. These Italians wish to begin the New Year with a fresh start.

Think for a moment of the excess baggage that we may carry about. That excess baggage may consist of regrets, broken relationships that could be healed, feelings of loss and hurt, and I could go on. A clean slate is starting the New Year fresh and ready to realize the hopes and dreams that are before us. Consider the things that we need to cast aside to allow that to happen.


with God’s Love,

Pastor Nik

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)