Something to Chew On, XXXXX

In a little less than two weeks, you will be invited to make a most significant decision that will help to impact the direction in which God is calling this congregation. You will vote on the next settled pastor and I pray with all of my being that God will direct that vote in a positive direction.

For reasons of confidentiality and to assure that those who may employ social media does not broadcast the decision before its time you have been left in the dark. A few of you have expressed concern regarding this matter. Let me reassure you as Cliff Thompson did this past Sunday that the Search Committee has diligently carried out its work. They have thoroughly researched and interviewed the prospective candidate and are strongly recommending her to be the next settled pastor.

Trust, trust, trust the work of this committee. They will be able to answer any questions you might have regarding the candidate that they are recommending to you.

In the meantime, join me in prayer for this congregation and for our prospective candidate.


With God’s Love,

Pastor Nik

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)