Something to Chew On, XXXXXV

Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, that forty-day period not including Sundays that helps us to get ready for Easter. Lent is always a time of introspection, examining where we are in our relationship to God, to Jesus, to our church, and to one another. One of my favorite scriptures comes from Psalm 139 which speaks so powerfully of the ways in which God knows us.

I also think of Lent as a time when we seek to remove those things that get in the way of our sincerely knowing and appreciating what God has done for us. I liken this to our efforts at this time of the year to engage in spring cleaning. As you drive about you will see families engaged in preparing their yards and flower beds for the mowing season that will soon be upon us.

My wife and I always take the time during Lent to go through out closets, clean out that which we have not worn for some time and donate those items to one of the nearby pantries. Personally, I will be bringing some boxes of books and putting them out for members to take. What remains I will take to a used bookstore.

Often, we have the carpets cleaned after a year’s wear and tear. Of course, when the weather warms, I will power wash and scrub the deck as well as wipedown the outdoor furniture.

Spring cleaning becomes a symbol of Lent as we prepare our hearts and ourspirits for all of the goodness and abiding love that God offers to us.


With God’s Love

Pastor Nik


First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)