Something to Chew On, XXXXXVII

My dear people, I continue to improve slowly. I started sleeping upstairs last Monday evening. I try to limit my stair activity to one time up and one time down. Any pain is kept in check with ibuprofen. I had an MRI last Tuesday and meet with the orthopedic doctor tomorrow afternoon to get the results and any next steps. Thank you for the calls and cards. I will miss the salad luncheon.

I share with you what I might have said in the pulpit this morning. I remind you of the staff, a symbol of our journey. Pharaoh has set the children of Israel free and they have begun their journey. Their journey and our journey are not without their obstacles at times. The children of Israel often mumbled or complained. I offer two instances.

The first concerns that moment when Israel is brought up to the edge of the sea and no escape is possible. The armies of Pharaoh are rapidly approaching. You hear Israel shout out, “Was it because there were no graves in Egypt that you have taken us away to die in the wilderness. What you done to us, bringing us out of Egypt?” You can read about this instance in Exodus 14:10-14.

The second instance occurs when Israel is in the wilderness and without food. Again, they complain. You can read about this in Exodus 16:1-3.

I encouraged you to pay attention to God’s way last week. Yet sometimes we tend to cry out, “Hold on—we have a better way”. I want you to underscore the simple word, “we” and put that beside the word, “God”. Which one will you choose?

You see, these are only two instances and there are many more if you fully read the book of Exodus. You will begin a journey if a different kind in a little more than a month when Pastor Tracy Siegman comes to journey with you. Notice that I did not say that she will come to fully guide your journey. She comes as you work together on the great journey that God has planned for you.


With God’s Love,

Pastor Nik

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)