Strangers of Great Joy

Shortly after Jesus was born, there were angels out in the fields telling shepherds about Jesus’ birth.  The shepherds decide to go to Bethlehem to find Jesus.  Imagine you were one of the shepherds going to Bethlehem.  You don’t know Mary and Joseph.  You don’t know Jesus.   You just have a powerfully strange message from the angels.  You were going to enter the stable and introduce yourself and share what you heard from the angels.  Could Mary and Joseph possibly find the message ludicrous and throw you out.  As a shepherd stranger, would you be rejected or welcomed?

The shepherds share with Mary and Joseph the Good News they heard from the angels.  Luke 2:15-18 reads, 15When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let us go now to Bethlehem and see this thing that has taken place, which the Lord has made known to us.”16So they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the child lying in the manger. 17When they saw this, they made known what had been told them about this child; 18and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds told them.

With this message from the angels, the shepherds brought confirmation to Mary and Joseph that indeed their son was the Messiah.  In a time that had to feel uncertain and scary, God brought to them strangers who believed, who Mary and Joseph could relate to, and people who would witness to others.  They were unrelated witnesses bringing confirmation that Jesus was the Son of God, come to save all people.

What about the Wisemen?  What did they want?  Again, they brought confirmation.  A little over a month had gone by, and God sent a message to Mary and Joseph through these strangers on their
doorstep.  These strangers, these Magi, these Wisemen were from outside the Jewish faith.  They were men of stature and they were there acknowledging Jesus as King.  Again, confirmation.

As we journey in our faith, we have mountaintop moments when we are certain of our faith and all we are hearing from God.  These moments move us forward with great passion and drive.  As humans though, it doesn’t take us long to begin to doubt and wonder.  Mary and Joseph were the same.  So, God used strangers to reinforce the divine message.

The Shepherds, The Wisemen… strangers reaching out to strangers bringing confirmation of God’s presence and love.  You… Me… strangers called to bring confirmation of God’s presence and love to the strangers God brings into our lives.  When we do so, we bring confirmation that the story of Christmas is more than mystery and myth, that it is more than a sweet nativity scene filled with a baby, cute animals, shepherds and wise men.

Bottom line… You’re strange.  I’m strange.  We are all strangers to someone.  The love of God is our common denominator, and God calls us to be in the world.

Reaching out to someone you don’t know with kindness and love of is worth it.  Who knows, maybe the stranger has a message for you.  Remember Jesus said, “I was a stranger and you welcomed me” (Mt. 25:35).   We live in this world as strangers with strangers.  It is through God and Jesus Christ that we are connected.  I pray we can all remember this as we find ourselves encountering strangers this Holy season.  Extend a smile, an act of kindness and bring confirmation of God’s great love for ALL people.

with Christmas love,  Laureen 🙂


First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)