Central Academy Week of Giving

On Wednesday December 20th, we had students from our neighbor Central Academy come to join us in preparing for Christmas eve services, they helped assemble luminaries, and prepare candles for candlelight service among many other things.


This is part of Central Academy’s 12th Week of Giving where the School sends students to organizations in town, to teach them the importance of volunteering in your community.


Day Ten

Tomorrow is the tenth day of Advent.

Sing Christmas carols at the top pf your lungs in the shower, in your car or while you’re walking down the street.

Day Nine

Tomorrow is the ninth day of advent.

Give handmade thank you notes to your mail carrier and garbadge collectors.

You may need to plan ahead for this one if your garbage dosen’t come on Monday.

Day Eight

Tomorrow is the eigth day of Advent. Light two candles.

Meditate: Peace looked down and saw war. “I will go there,” said Peace.

Read Isaiah 11:1-10.

Pray: God, pour out your peacce so that the wolf may lie down with the lamb, and no one will hunt or destroy on your holy mountain ever again.

We will light the candle of Peace during service tomorrow if you’d like for that candle lighting to be your day’s devotion.

Day Seven

Tomorrow is the seventh day of Advent.

Leave Quarters in every gumball machine you see on your errands today.

You might consider gumall machines, games, rides or vending machines.

Day six

Tomorrow is the sixth day of Advent. Observe Sabbath time. Turn everything off in the evening. No computer, no phone, no television, no radio, no screens. Listen for God’s still small voice.

Day Five

Tomorrow is the Fifth day of advent. Write a short “I beleive…” Manifesto and share it on facebook.

Here are some examples: “I beleive despair will give way to hope.” “I beleive being a vegetarian reduces suffering.” “I beleive everyone has a story worth telling.” “I beleive He was born.”

Day Four

Tomorrow is the fourth day of Advent.

Subtract one thing from your day today – and use the extra quiet time to pray for better relationships between people, especially races, in our country, our city, and our neighborhoods.

Day Three

Tomorrow is the third day of Advent.

Write “You are Beautiful” on a steamy bathroom mirror and watch it reapear for days(God loves writing with invisible ink!)

Look for other ways throughout the day that God is writing you messages.

Day Two

Tomorow is the second day of Advent.

Deliver Sweets to a neighbor or bake a yummy casserole for a family with a new baby.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)