Day Three

Tomorrow is the third day of Advent.

Write “You are Beautiful” on a steamy bathroom mirror and watch it reapear for days(God loves writing with invisible ink!)

Look for other ways throughout the day that God is writing you messages.

Day Two

Tomorow is the second day of Advent.

Deliver Sweets to a neighbor or bake a yummy casserole for a family with a new baby.

Day One

Tomorrow is the first day of Advent. Light one candle.

Meditate: Hope looked down and saw despair. “I will go there,” said Hope. Read Isaiah 2: 1-5.

Pray: God, open our eyes to despair all around us and fill us so full of hope that we can each be a light.

We will light the candle of hope during service tomorrow if you’d like fr that candle lighting to be your day’s devotion.

The Salt Project

Salt Project

Thank you to the Salt Project for the printable advent calendar resource. Pick up your packet of cards in the narthex or follow the devtions here. A devotion will be posted at noon each day for the devotion of the next day.


Christmas Card Shower

Membership is hosting a
Christmas card shower for our special
needs friends. Boxes are in the narthex.
Please place a Christmas card in a box
for each individual.

Sermon Series: Season of Promise

Date                        Scripture                       Promise

Nov 26                Daniel 3: 1 – 30         The Promise of God’s Presence

Dec 3                Ezekiel 37: 1 – 14                The Promise of New Life

Dec 10             Isaiah 55: 1 – 13            The Promise of Abundant Life

Dec 17            Psalm 130                           The Promise of Redemption

Dec 24 am                                                                     Lessons and Carols

Dec 24 pm              Luke 2: 1 –20        The Fulfillment of God’s Promise

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)