Christian Youth Fellowship (CYF)

CYF (Christian Youth Fellowship) is our high school youth group (grades 9-12). They meet on Sunday mornings at 10:00 and for special afternoon/evening activities throughout the year. Their lessons are geared toward growth in the faith, mission opportunities and community service.

Youth Group News

JYF (K – 3rd grades) and Chi Rho (4th – 8th grades)

  • Sunday, October 20 – lunch will be provided following worship and then will leave to visit Neiderman Farm’s Corn Maze (bring $5 for the maze)
  • Sunday, November 3 – youth group following worship
  • Sunday, November 17 – youth group following worship
  • Sunday, December 1 – youth group following worship
  • Saturday, December 7 – Christmas program rehearsal from 10:00 am to noon
  • Sunday, December 8 – Christmas program

CYF (9th – 12th grades)

  • October 27 – CYF Party
  • Saturday, November 9 – lock-in beginning at 7:00 pm


Christian Ed Kick-Off Sunday (Sep 8)

Changes are coming for Christian Ed! 

Kick-off Sunday is September 8 with a wonderful breakfast at 9:00 am.  Everyone is invited!  At 10:00 am, children 3 years old through third grade will attend Children’s Worship and Wonder (room 103), and Chi Rho and CYF will meet upstairs.

Following our time of communion and fellowship in the sanctuary, Sunday School for pre-school and kindergarteners will take place in Room 104 and Sunday School for Grades 1 through 3 will take place in Room 106.

Youth groups will begin immediately after worship on September 8!

Adults, consider joining the class immediately after the first service in Room 101.  Karen Powers is the facilitator and the book of Joshua is currently being explored.

Stay tuned for more details to come.  Any questions may be directed to Beth, Mary Helen or Lora.

Hope to see everyone on Sunday, September 8 for breakfast at 9:00 am!

CYF Mission Trip – July 14-20

Our CYF youth group left Sunday, July 14 to travel to Mingo County, West Virginia, and will return on Saturday, July 20. In Mingo County they will have the opportunity to serve at Kids Club or on Work Projects. Please keep our youth and their leaders in your prayers as they serve the needs of others.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)