Reverend John Dick is a retired ordained minister in the American Baptist Church. John is a resident of Middletown. John has served American Baptist Congregations in Midland, MI; Haddonfield, NJ; Wyoming, OH; Middletown, OH and Worcester, MA.
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Disciples serving Middletown since 1912.
Reverend John Dick is a retired ordained minister in the American Baptist Church. John is a resident of Middletown. John has served American Baptist Congregations in Midland, MI; Haddonfield, NJ; Wyoming, OH; Middletown, OH and Worcester, MA.
The following people will be filling the pulpit during our time of transition.
They will be in attendance to deliver the sermon, take note, and join us!
Dr. Lombard serves our church as an Elder and Trustee as well as a former Moderator. David is a retired psychologist having worked in both private and hopital based practice, in addition to teaching at Wright State University.
Cliff has been a member of FCC for more than 20 years. He has served as Deacon, Elder, Vice-Moderator, Men’s Ministries Chair, Property Committee Chair, and Leader of the A/V Team. Cliff currently serves as Chairman of the Elders.
Connor is a lifelong member of First Christian Church, Connor has served as Chaplain at Camp Friedlander operated by the Dan Beard Council, Boy Scouts of America. Connor is a senior at Miami University majoring in Non Profit & Community Studies and intends to pursue a Masters of Divinity at Lexington Theological Seminary.
Reverend Dr. Johnson is a retired Disciples Minister and Pastor Emeritus of Summit Christian Church in Trotwood, Ohio. Rev. Johnson currently serves as the Regional Elder for district 8, serving the Christian Church In Ohio in greater Dayton, Springfield, and Middletown.
Carol is an Ordained Minister in the Christian Church(Disciples of Christ).Carol is the Pastor of Assimilation at Legacy Christian Church In Harrison, Ohio. Carol also serves on the Commission on Ministry and the Camp Christian Committee for the Christian Church In Ohio.Carol served as Associate Pastor at FCC-Middletown for 13 years. Carol also served Walnut Hills Christian Church as Co-Pastor.
Rev. Carol Oetzel, September 16th
Reverend Glaab is an ordained minister. Sue was a member of First Christian Church while she attended United Theological Seminary. She holds a Masters of Divinity from UTS.
Reverend John Dick is a retired ordained minister in the American Baptist Church. John is a resident of Middletown. John has served American Baptist Congregations in Midland, MI; Haddonfield, NJ; Wyoming, OH; Middletown, OH and Worcester, MA.
Reverend Ed Bastien Serves as the Pastoral Care Manager at Atrium Medical Center. Rev. Bastien holds a Masters of Divinity in Theology and Religious Vocations from Asbury Theological Seminary. Ed has experience in Chaplaincy from both The Hospital as well as Hospice settings.
4520 Rosedale Rd
Middletown, OH 45042
Phone:(513) 422-2853
Fax: (513) 422-4530
9:30 am Fellowship Hour
10:30 am Traditional Worship
Children’s Programming Available
6:00 pm Youth (Ages 13-21)
7:30 pm Modern Worship
Children’s Programming Available
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
4520 Rosedale Rd. Middletown, Ohio 45042
Church: 513-422-2853
Worship: Sundays @ 10:30 AM
Youth LIVESTREAM: Fridays @ 3:00 PM
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