Tracy Talks IV

Walmart bags. Kroger bags. Meijer bags. It depends where you shop as to what you call
them. In my house, they’re Walmart bags regardless of the store from where they came.
Others call them Kroger bags regardless of the store from where they came. Whatever you
call them, we need them for the rummage sale. Please bring your bags this Sunday to church
to donate to the rummage sale. The hope is we’ll use lots of bags as shoppers tote away lots
of treasures.

Thank you all for your donations to the rummage sale. Please continue to bring them through
Friday, August 4th. If you are unable to bring them on a Sunday morning, please feel free to
contact me to make arrangements to bring them to the church at a time that is convenient to
you. There are forms in the bottom middle mailbox on the mailboxes hanging on the wall
outside the office for you to document your donations for tax purposes. The Salvation Army
and Goodwill websites have suggested amounts to claim per item.
There are sign-up sheets in the Narthex for you to volunteer to help during the hours and in the
manner you are able and available. We need helpers on Friday night to set up and Saturday
to assist shoppers. We need baked goods for the bake sale – we’re still working out when you
can bring those to the church.
The Hannah Circle has decided how they would like to use the funds raised. Fifty percent will
go to mission projects or organizations supported by the CWF circles. The other 50% will be
reserved for a fellowship event for the congregation. There are a couple ideas in the works for
that event. The hope is that we will not only raise funds for mission, but we’ll also raise
awareness of the church in the community.
Thank you to the Hannah Circle for organizing this event. Thank you for all the ways you are
all helping.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)