Tracy Talks V

When I was visiting my family last weekend, my niece wanted me to come visit her at
work. She wanted me to see where she works and meet some of the people. She works at a
hotel with extended stay rooms. Many of the hotel’s clients stay for long periods while working
on a job assignment.
I met one of the guests Lazarus when I went to visit my niece. Lazarus is a Puerto Rican from
Miami who is staying at the hotel for the summer. He found a good contract job in the area
that will last several months. I spent some time talking to Lazarus about faith, work and
Lazarus shared with me a story of his mother’s faith. While pregnant with him, his mother’s
doctor told her he had died. Lazarus said it was common for women at that time in that area to
be told their babies had died. Lazarus’ mother believed in the promise of life more than her
doctor. She walked to another hospital to deliver her son. He was born a healthy baby boy
and his mother named him Lazarus for God had raised him from the dead. She had been told
he was dead but was born alive and well. Lazarus said there were many men his age named
Lazarus because their mothers had experienced the same thing. Their sons too had been
raised from the dead.

Our God is a God who offers new life to the dead and hope to the hopeless. I love to share
stories of people I meet who remind me of God’s goodness and love. I hope Lazarus’ story
brings you hope.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)