By the time you are reading this, we have had our first
congregational meeting related to discerning who we are and how
we got to where we are. This is important for us to know and to
discover where we want to go. We had a wonderful carry-in lunch
after worship on the 18th. Several of you stayed to participate and
thank you to those who were not able to stay, but got information to
us for the meeting. It is important that we all have a voice in this
process. If you did not get your feedback turned in, there will be
question sheets on the table in the Narthex that you can fill in and
return to the office. There will be newsprint sheets hanging about
the building. These will be used to note special events and
happenings in the church. Please feel free to update these as things
come to mind. We are looking for all major events that stand out in
your mind. Not all of these events were positive at the time, but they
are part of who we are and we need to catalogue them. Please be
sure to drop off any question forms to the office and add to the
timeline of notable events.
Respectfully, Your Transition Team