Who are we? As a group of people, who are we? We are God’s children. We are a worshipping people. We are community. We are CHURCH. Understanding that you and I are part of the church is critical if we are to live out our mission statement… First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), a church dedicated to loving relationships with God & Jesus Christ, each other and the world. To be this church, each of us has to understand that we are part of the church. This is not someplace you simply come to on Sundays, it is not something separate from you. Church is not the building, it is not just one individual, it is not the pastor and elders. Church is us collectively embodying the love of God, sharing God’s love with one another and the world. We are called to share God’s love, and in doing so we are serving Christ Jesus. This is what it means to be the church. Being the church is not someone else’s responsibility; it is yours and mine, we are the church! I am ever grateful to be church alongside you, and look forward to journeying through the remainder of Lent with you as we experience and remember Jesus’ journey to the cross.
with love,
Laureen 🙂
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)