Worship Series: Healing

Some of the most powerful stories in the Gospels are the ones when Jesus heals – body, mind, spirit.  Throughout our lives we need healing – these times are important in our journey with

God and Jesus Christ.  Let’s hear the stories of Jesus and tell our own healing stories – heal together, grow together.

July 6        Matthew 8:1-4            Jesus cleanses leper

                  Matthew 8:5-13          Jesus heals Centurion’s servant

                  Matthew 8:14-17        Jesus heals many at Peter’s house

July 13     Matthew 8:28-9:1      Gadarene Demoniacs

July 20    Matthew 9:2-8           Jesus heals paralytic

Aug 3       Matthew 9:18-26       Jesus brings girls back to life

                                                     Hemorrhaging woman healed

Aug 10     Matthew 12:9-21      Jesus heals on the Sabbath

Aug 17      Luke 17:19                 Jesus heals 10 lepers

Aug 24     Matthew 15:21-31    Jesus heals Canaanite daughter

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)